It’s a pleasure to introduce our Interim Music Coordinator, Dallas Geil (he/him).
Posts related to worship.
It’s a pleasure to introduce our Interim Music Coordinator, Dallas Geil (he/him).
Pastors Sharon & Davi got together to answer all of your questions! In this video, they respond to the questions they didn't have time to address during worship.
What’s going on? What feels big or important or meaningful to you right now? What’s happening in your life that is taking up space in your head/heart?
Here is some information from our Minister of Music Lucy Bledig about a different version of a familiar carol our Chancel Choir is singing at the 5:00 pm Christmas Eve service.
We've got some special evening services for Advent this year, in addition to our regular Sunday 10:00 am worship.
We have several recurring opportunities to help with Sunday worship.
The weather and the "tri-demic" have thrown us some curves this week. Here are the latest plans for Christmas worship.
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