Advent 2024

Creation Care Camp Update

Here's the schedule for the week: 

  • Monday: Focus on the AIR around us and the wind of the Spirit. Plus, a visiting entomologist (aka "bug guy”) will help us learn about interesting INSECTS, too.
  • Tuesday: Casey “the Mermaid” Cook from the Marine Life Center will arrive with tales of the ocean. WATER is the theme of the day. 
  • Wednesday: Park Stewardship Day at Broadway Park! This is a day to pitch in and help the environment. Explore SOIL and PLANTS. Art, bubbles, games, and fun, too!
  • Thursday: ANIMALS from the Humane Society will visit as we wrap up our Creation Care camp. 
  • Every day: arts and crafts, music, stories, time with friends, and opportunities to learn about God’s love. And don’t forget the snacks! 

Click here to download the registration form.
Friends, neighbors, and cousins welcome. Invite them to share in CREATION CARE!