Advent 2024

Justice Digest, December 10, 2021

A Home for All – How bold and challenging!

The Advent topic for Sunday is huge. A home for all – how bold and challenging. The Mission and Justice Board invites you to stay for a “stand-up” conversation in the narthex immediately after worship. The purpose of the conversation will be to share the good ideas waiting in each of us to address the needs of those experiencing homelessness and to begin to think about how as a community we can make a longer-term impact. The conversation can be as short or long as you would like it to be as we collect ideas and set a path together.

Join us by using the Zoom link in the Connection Calendar.For more information on the local issues of affordable housing here is a blog link:




  • Christmas Joy Gifts and Gift Cards are needed on Sunday, December 12 for delivery on Monday, December 13.
  • Flood Victim Relief donations are needed by Tuesday, December 14 for delivery on Wednesday, December 15. A list of needed items is on the blog.  You can also donate money at the Whatcom Community Foundation’s Resilience Fund now:



Climate Justice

Our friends at the Multifaith Network for Climate Justice, a coalition of Whatcom County congregations, are inviting First Congregational members to sign on in support of Bellingham’s Building Electrification plan. You can learn a bit more about the proposal and email council members by visiting this site: