Midweek Message October 14, 2020

Election Calendar of Care

Dear Ones,
We’re now 3 weeks out from a fraught presidential election, and many of us are finding ourselves in a higher zone of anxiety. Maybe you feel it in your body, or perhaps you’re unable to focus as well as usual (is it the election or is it pandemic? likely, both). We’re also facing the fact that we will likely have to wait for election results much longer than we often do. How will you take care of yourself leading up to and beyond November 3?
You are not alone. I’ve said that many times, and I pray you know it’s true. The Holy is present with you, and your faith community is, too. We may not know you need a reach-out, so please don’t hesitate to contact the pastoral care emergency line for a prayer or to have one of us listen (# posted at the top of this Midweek Message each week). I’ve also created a daily check-in with music, scripture, and invitations as we go through this particular season. It’s adapted from a calendar by my colleague Rev. Liz Miller of Edgewood United Church UCC (Lansing, MI).
The link below will take you to a daily (October 15-November 11) calendar of practice as we navigate this election. If a particular meditation doesn’t quite fit, modify that day’s offering. This is only one way you might remain grounded in Spirit through these days. Perhaps you have created or will find other practices that remind you we are all held in the belovedness of God’s justice and compassion. I encourage you to share what you’re doing that is helpful, because you never know who else might find that same practice a gift in these days.
Remember whose you are, beloved of God.
In faith,
Pastor Sharon

Election Calendar of Care link: https://tuerchen.com/504d55f2

Calendar Note: Look for the number 1 to start. A quirk of this program is that you can rearrange the numbers.