Advent 2024
Advent 2024
The Faith Formation Board would like to highlight Josh Marchand, our Church School Coordinator. Josh joined the First Congregational team at the beginning of last school year. During the time they have been a church school staff member they have successfully run their first school year Sunday Church School and Creation Care Camp.
Josh is a pleasure to work with and their passion for young people and learning is evident in their daily actions. As an aspiring middle school teacher, Josh has used their education and teacher intuition to ensure an inviting church school and Creation Care Camp. Josh has also maintained excellent email/Facebook communication to families with updates on upcoming events as well as weekly communication with questions tied to Church School for parents and children to ponder together at home.
As we look forward to this year’s Children’s Sunday School year, please take a moment to thank Josh for all their hard work. We are so happy to have you on the team!
P.S. Church School begins again on September 8. If you’d like to volunteer with Church School (once a month? once a quarter?) please let Josh know:
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