The Full Circle Blog

  • We are in need of some new Stephen Ministers and will be having another Stephen Ministry Training Class early in 2022! Depending on CDC guidelines, we will be meeting in person or via Zoom.

  • These last few weeks Jamie and I have been attempting to can the fruit flourishing in our yard. (Let’s be honest—I cut and mash; she cooks and cans). This note is one she wrote a few days ago, a bit of a peek into our life and faith and the congregations we cherish.

  • “[S]o be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” -Matthew 10:16 (NRSV)

    It seems the pandemic has given scammers new creativity in how they attempt to con people, and several have targeted faith communities. So this is a public service announcement for all of us

  • We’re in the midst of Bellingham’s Climate Action Week, and on Friday at 6:30-8:00 pm Multifaith Network for Climate Justice (we’re a member congregation of MNCJ) will present a workshop on "Greening with Integrity.”

  • First Congregational Church of Bellingham is a proud member congregation of the Faith Action Network. FAN is a state-wide, multi-faith coalition of congregations engaged in making a more just and sustainable state!  Much of their work is with the Washington state legislation