
  • The Mission and Social Justice Board would like to offer a special thank you to the donor artists participating in the Broken for Beauty Auction. Christen Mattix, Laura Norton, and Lyz Staman all answered our church's call for help immediately.

  • Remember those panels that artists painted to cover the broken windows at our church? Those panels are being auctioned off in a virtual auction. The proceeds from the auction will be shared by two agencies serving those with mental illness.

  • Dear Interfaith Member Congregations and Friends: 


    “Good people turn to love, courage, and kindness in times of crisis, not hate, fear and cruelty.” (Laurence Overmire) This has certainly been our experience at Interfaith Coalition!

  • First Congregational Church and the Red Cedar Zen Center are looking for volunteers to help with the Family Promise Program.

  • This year the Mission & Justice Board is inviting members and friends of the First Congregational Church community to join us in the restorative work of caring for our planet. This year, instead of giving up something for Lent, we are encouraging members to make a pledge to take action on climate change.

  • David Roberts from the Bellingham Climate Action Task Force and Kulshan Services will be sharing his lecture, "Black Swans, Boiled Frogs, and Canaries in the Mine: Choosing Our Climate Future." His slides and lecture focus on the short and long-term effects of global climate change, with a particular emphasis on how this will change life in Whatcom County and what we can do about it.