Our tower bell came around the horn in the 1870’s from New England. For decades, our church bell was the signal – the warning for local fires and other emergencies.
Our tower bell came around the horn in the 1870’s from New England. For decades, our church bell was the signal – the warning for local fires and other emergencies.
A group of Indigenous Hawaiians is organizing a World Wide Prayer to Mother Earth on April 22. They already have 140 countries involved and people, congregations as they hear about it are registering to hold prayers at certain locations.
Save the Date - June 2, Undoing Racism Walk: Dr. Josh Cerretti, WWU historian, will be leading an Undoing Racism Walk, looking at Bellingham’s racial history “from below.”
Earth Day in Hawaii Comes to Whatcom County: Hawaii’s Kanaka movement and the Lummi Nation are inviting us to a Prayer Service in celebration of Earth Day.
The Green Team hopes to help our faith community focus on just one or two items or ideas you and/or your family can try each month: to reduce our carbon footprint; suggest ideas for what you can specifically do; reinforce our monthly ritual in Worship; bring hope to our efforts individually and together on Climate Justice. The April focus is: Walk, bike or take public transport.
First Congregational supports many justice activities and actions. We also support many community agencies and organizations doing Justice work. Here is a list (as of April 1, 2024 – No April Fool’s Joke!) of where YOUR support is going, SO FAR in 2024!!
Join us April 20, 2024 for an event to replenish spirits, build knowledge, and inspire action.
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